蒋晟,悉尼大学土木工程博士(2019),悉尼大学土木学院博士后(2022)。2022年10月回国,入职红足1世666814。近年来,主要致力于水工岩土材料冲击力学性能、微观尺度断裂破碎演化和大数据、深度学习预测方面的研究工作,取得了一些创新性成果。目前,在上述科研领域共发表SCI论文16篇,其中一作高质量期刊SCI论文10篇。研究成果主要发表在水工岩土领域主流期刊,如Engineering with Computers、International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences、Construction and Building Materials、International Journal of Mechanical Sciences、Acta Geotechnica、Powder Technology、International Journal of Impact Engineering等。多次受邀在重要国际会议作学术会议报告,兼职SCI期刊《Granular Matter》等期刊审稿人。 代表性论著: [1] Sheng Jiang, Zifeng Cheng, Lei Yang, Luming Shen*. An auto-tuned hybrid deep learning approach for predicting fracture evolution. Engineering with Computers (2022) 1-18. [2] Sheng, Jiang, Luming Shen*. “Aggregate shape effect on fracture and breakage of cementitious granular materials.” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 220 (2022): 107161. [3] Sheng Jiang, Luming Shen*, François Guillard, and Itai Einav. Characterisation of fracture evolution of a single cemented brittle grain using in-situ X-ray computed tomography. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 145 (2021):104835. [4]Sheng Jiang, Luming Shen*, François Guillard, and Itai Einav. “Three-dimensional fabric orientation visualisation technique for distributed fractures using X-ray computed tomography.” International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 142 (2021):104756. [5] Sheng Jiang, Luming Shen*, Wengui Li. “An experimental study of aggregate shape effect on dynamic compressive behaviours of cementitious mortar.” Construction and Building Materials 303 (2021):124443. [6] Sheng Jiang, Luming Shen*, François Guillard, and Itai Einav. The effect of cement material properties on the fracture patterns developing within cement-covered brittle sphere under impact. Acta Geotechnica 16.3 (2021): 763-773. [7] Sheng Jiang, Mansour Sharafisafa, Luming Shen*. “Using Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Influences of Heterogeneity on Rock Strength at Different Strain Rates.” Materials 14.11 (2021):3042. [8] Sheng Jiang, Luming Shen*, François Guillard, and Itai Einav. Fracture and fragmentation patterns within a single cemented glass bead under impact. International Journal of Impact Engineering 131 (2019): 152-161. [9]Sheng Jiang, Luming Shen*, François Guillard, and Itai Einav. Energy dissipation from two-glass-bead chains under impact. International Journal of Impact Engineering 114 (2018): 160-168. [10] Sheng Jiang, Luming Shen*, François Guillard, and Itai Einav. The effect of inter-grain contact material on the dynamic fracture of short glass bead chains under impact. Powder Technology 339 (2018): 911-921.